"To be honest, I never thought it would happen, but my audience for Divorce in Connecticut is actually growing quite substantially. Every time I look at the stats section, I am finding that a considerable number of individuals access my blog. This happens even when I'm not even posting on the blog, or on weekends when blogs ordinarily don't get much traffic. Wow! This must mean that I am doing something right. "
I wrote these words six months ago, and was interupted and never got back to them. But they are true. I am finding that I am receiving considerable traffic on my blog, and the traffic continues even when I stop posting for several days. I guess I have enough material so that if I don't have any new posts, people still go to the blog and read up on what I have there.
I am so glad that things turned out well, because I wasn't sure if what I had to say was relevant or would be helpful. It is very comforting for me to know that even if my case isn't going well, or even if my personal life is causing me problems, I can still work on my blog and make a contribution to the lives of others.
I really enjoy the freedom I have to say what I think on the blog, and to post whatever interests me--jokes, videos, songs, reflections, information on the law. Writing the blog is a very liberating experience. I may be restricted in so many ways because of the impact that family court has had on me, but here in this blog I can express myself as I wish. That is very healing for me.