Thursday, November 4, 2010


This is a new blog which will provide me with the opportunity to share with you, my fellow journeyers, the kinds of decisions I have to make and the challenges I face when I put together the blog pieces for the blogspot Divorce in Connecticut.

I have been blogging on divorce in Connecticut for around two months now and, if you can believe it, today I had this great idea for what to call my blog.  The problem is that I already named this blog two months ago, so what in the world am I thinking of!!!  I'm finally showing up on google search engines and NOW I want to change my blog name!  What am I thinking of? 

The problem is that when I started to blog, I was delighted by the idea of blogging, but I didn't particularly have any great ideas about what to call my blog.  I was that vague about the whole process.  What I thought was, I want to talk about divorce, but not just about any divorce, I want to talk about what happens in Connecticut when you divorce, and that's how I got Divorce in Connecticut.

Unfortunately, a few weeks ago when I was googling the words Divorce in Connecticut, I came up with similarly entitled blogs.  Now I have an idea for a great title, one that no one has had thus far, but I have kind of missed my opportunity. 

So, what do you think guys.  Should I change the name of my blog now while I have a chance?  Should I take the chance and restart with a new, more interesting and memorable blog name, or should I live with what I've got?  The problem with this is I'll have to import my blog to a new domain name which may be technologically difficult for me to do since I'm not a techie, plus I may get my audience totally confused.  Let me know your opinion.  I hate to miss an opportunity, but there is a lot to be said for if it ain't broke don't fix it.   

1 comment:

  1. The Making of Divorce in Connecticut? Hmmmm...not's okay. But I don't know if it captivates....

    How about:
    Soccer Mom's Guide to Divorce in Connecticut?
    Housewife's guide to divorce in Connecticut?

    A Connecticut-style Divorce: For trophy wives, soccer moms, house-husbands and other lay people...

    Or something like that?
    Just suggestions. But personally, I am not CAPTIVATED by this new title. I think it could pop a lot more.

    blog luv,
    Jeannie Golstein
    Divorce Saloon

    Oh, by the way, I LOVE the bookshelves. Loooooove it!
