Sunday, September 1, 2013


I haven't written on this blog for such a long time.  I'm not even sure if I should, at this point.  However, I did want this blog to be a more casual way to connect with readers, so I hate to neglect it. 
Simply put, I don't write on this blog because blogging takes a considerable amount of time, even when you are discussing very limited topics.  For example, today I just spent three hours writing about Rooker-Feldman and the Domestic Relations Exception. 
These are not complicated issues, but still making sure that I have my facts right takes a considerable amount of time.  I always check and double check the information at various locations online to be sure that what I'm saying is correct. 
I do like the article because I think it does answer that question, the one about why attorneys in family court just don't give a shit about your rights.  The same goes for probate court as far as I can see.  If you go online and google it, probate court is just about the second most corrupt court there is.  And why?  Because there is no federal oversight!  Makes sense, doesn't it! 
Returning to the title of my blog here, I am feeling very satisfied that I've been able to pursue this blog for the last two years.  As a result, I am particularly gratified to find that when I plugged in the terms "Connecticut Divorce Blog" into google, my blog was the first entry.  This is the first time that's happened!   I feel like I've worked very hard to obtain that recognition, to earn the trust of my audience, and to attract the high level of traffic that spends time on my blog.  I'm happy to see that working hard has led to some good results and that I have been part of starting a conversation that I hope will result in the reform of our family court system. 
I want to thank my audience for that because credit really goes to the people who are ready to listen, to learn, and use the information I provide to help others.  The kinds of people I've met through this blog are just like that.

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